Thursday, September 25, 2008

Blue Cross of MN = Epic Fail

So i called blue cross of MN this afternoon to see if i can straighten out this fubar they did back in march, after i go through 2 min of prompts i get a message "Sorry due to unforeseen circumstances we cannot take your call right now, please try again later goodbye"


Monday, September 15, 2008

My Bucket List

So i had to write a top 5 things you would do before you die.

1. Drive an exotic car flat out on the autobahn
2. Skydive
3. Learn how to swim
4. See the great Pyramids
5. Direct a Movie

Was actually interesting cuz i had to stop and think about it for awhile. Then the fun one was what are you most grateful for.

"Just the opportunity that life is in itself. In other words just the fact that life in all its imperfections IS perfect and that every day is a new opportunity to find ones inner self and learn to harmonize that with the rest of the world. "

That ought a get an interesting response.